Scarcity of fresh water is due to a number of factors. Droughts, dry climates, too many people wasting or using reliable water supplies, lack of financial resources to drill deep wells or build water reservoirs, distribution systems and dams, are all dynamics that cause freshwater scarcity.
Close to 41 percent of the world’s population live in river basins lacking freshwater.
More than 30 countries are faced with the scarcity of fresh water, predominately in Africa and the Middle East.
Researchers estimate that by the year 2050, more than 60 countries will face freshwater shortages and insufficient water supplies.
Fresh Water Shortages
Shortages of fresh clean water affects more than 40 percent of people on nearly every continent on our planet.
In the next twelve years, close to 1.2 billion people will live in regions with total water scarcity. In addition, almost two-thirds of the world’s population will struggle with water stressed environments.
As household, agriculture, and industry water needs increase, while populations and cities continue to grow, getting access to clean water will become more difficult and in some cases, futile.
The scarcity of fresh water forces people to rely on unsafe resources of drinking water. Additionally, they’re unable to clean and bathe properly making them more susceptible to diarrhoeal diseases such as dysentery, cholera, and typhoid fever, trachoma, typhus, and plague.
More than 10 percent of people on our planet consume foods that are irrigated with wastewater since clean, safe water is scarce for agriculture production,
Learn more — Watch this short video:
“Water Cooperation for a Water Secure World”
Reducing the Scarcity of Fresh Water
Though there are organizations, individuals, and groups of people helping to make our sources of water more secure, you can support this cause by simply practicing healthy habits: using water wisely and don’t waste food.
Scary thought, George. Not all water issues are in far-away lands, either. We here in the Great Lakes basin are beginning to realize the effects of change on Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. Water levels are at record lows, due to climate change and some dredging many years ago. We’re not at a crisis stage yet, but this situation is causing scientists to take notice.
– Tom
I know what you mean, Tom. I suspect our getting and having freshwater will become more difficult in the future.
With exponential human population growth and a variety of other issues, freshwater will become a much more valuable commodity.